Conveniently located near scenic Sullivan's Island, Brown Law Group can assist you the areas of real estate, business formation or civil litigation with the hands-on experience and skills to get the job done while keeping a sharp eye on your bottom line. Brown Law Group is a full service law firm dedicated to providing goal-oriented, efficient and cost-effective legal representation to individuals and businesses in both the Tri-County area and throughout the entire State of South Carolina.

Real Estate & Land Use
Are you a first-time home buyer, purchasing a vacation home, or a homeowner who needs to refinance or obtain a home equity loan?
Our experienced attorneys can guide you through the process and help insure a smooth transaction.
Litigation requires a cooperative effort between the lawyer and client to map out a winning strategy that will be effective not only at the commencement of a lawsuit but all the way through to the finish.
We have the know-how to advocate for you each step of the way
Business Formation
These days, a successful business needs business-oriented advice from attorneys whose skill set runs the gamut from incorporating your firm, to drafting the right operating agreement, to reviewing key contracts.
Let us help you make a positive impact on your bottom line.